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I'm a Professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Nottingham. I work on astroparticle physics, at the interface between particle physics and astrophysics. I’m a member of the Particle Cosmology Group and also interact closely with the Astronomy Group.

Currently my main focus is dark matter. I’m particularly interested in primordial black holes, and the signals expected in WIMP and axion detection experiments. I also work on early Universe cosmology, in particular inflation, and dark energy. Information about potential PhD projects can be found here.

I'm currently departmental Director of Research, and co-ordinated the writing of our Environment statement for REF2021. I’m on the editorial board of the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, and a member of STFC Science Board (PPAN). I teach 3rd year Introduction to Cosmology, supervise undergraduate projects on dark matter and inflation, and am actively involved in various outreach activities, ranging from schools talks to an In Our Time episode on Dark Matter on Radio 4.

Here are my CV, inSPIRE profile page and contact details. This Higgs chat covers what led me to working in this field (and also various other things, including my love of Top Gun…), while these slides (from a Women in Science seminar organised by the Nottingham Women in Maths PhD group) summarise my academic history.

When I’m not doing physics I like to run very long distances (through peat bogs in Winter, across Tennessee in mid Summer, pulling a sled around in the Arctic circle, along canal towpaths and even round and round in small circles) and travel (often wearing my favourite red trousers).