Publications: primordial black holes

How open is the asteroid-mass primordial black hole window?
Matthew Gorton and Anne M. Green

Primordial black holes as a dark matter candidate - a brief overview
Anne M. Green
Nucl. Phys. B 1003 (2024) 116494 (Nobel Symposium proceedings)

Primordial black holes and stochastic inflation beyond slow roll: I - noise matrix elements
Swagat S. Mishra, Edmund J. Copeland and Anne M. Green
JCAP 09 (2023) 005

Uncertainties in wide binary constraints on primordial back holes
Emily Tyler, Anne M. Green and Simon P. Goodwin
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 524, 3052-3059 (2023)

Effect of clustering on primordial black hole microlensing constraints
Matthew Gorton and Anne M. Green
JCAP 08 (2022) 08, 035

Primordial black holes as a dark matter candidate
Anne M. Green and Bradley J. Kavanagh
J. Phys. G 48 4 (2021)

Pitfalls of a power-law parameterisation of the primordial power spectrum for primordial black hole formation
Anne M. Green
Phys. Rev. D98 023529 (2018)

Astrophysical uncertainties on stellar microlensing constraints on multi-Solar mass primordial black hole dark matter
Anne M. Green
Phys. Rev. D96 043020 (2017)

Microlensing and dynamical constraints on primordial black hole dark matter with an extended mass function
Anne M. Green
Phys. Rev. D94 063530 (2016)

Primordial black holes: sirens of the early Universe
Anne M. Green
in ‘Quantum aspects of black holes’, ed. X. Calmet (Springer, 2014)

Primordial black holes as a tool for constraining non-Gaussianity
Christian T. Byrnes, Edmund J. Copeland and Anne M. Green
Phys. Rev. D86 043512 (2012)

Dark Matter: star sign
Anne M. Green
Nature Physics 7 926 (2011)
see also:
Astronomy Now article

Constraints from primordial black hole formation at the end of inflation
Amandeep S. Josan and Anne M. Green
Phys. Rev. D82 047303 (2010) (4 pages)

Generalised constraints on the curvature perturbation from primordial black holes
Amandeep S. Josan, Anne M. Green and Karim A. Malik
Phys. Rev. D79 103520 (2009) (10 pages)

Constraints on the curvature perturbation from primordial black holes
Ignacio Zaballa, Anne M. Green, Karim A. Malik and Misao Sasaki
JCAP03 (2007) 010

A new calculation of the mass fraction of primordial black holes
Anne M. Green, Andrew R. Liddle, Karim A. Malik and Misao Sasaki
Phys. Rev. D70 041502(R) (2004) (5 pages)

Viability of evaporating primordial black holes as short period gamma ray bursts
Anne M. Green
Phys. Rev. D65 027301 (2002) (4 pages)

Primordial black hole production due to preheating
Anne M. Green and Karim A. Malik
Phys. Rev. D64 021301(R) (2001) (4 pages)

Supersymmetry and primordial black hole abundance constraints
Anne M. Green
Phys. Rev. D60 063516 (1999) (7 pages)

Critical collapse and the primordial black hole initial mass function
Anne M. Green and Andrew R. Liddle
Phys. Rev. D60 063509 (1999) (8 pages)

Primordial black hole constraints in cosmologies with early matter domination
Anne M. Green, Andrew R. Liddle and Antonio Riotto
Phys. Rev. D56 7559-7565 (1997)

Constraints on the density perturbation spectrum from primordial black holes
Anne M. Green and Andrew R. Liddle
Phys. Rev. D56 6166-6174 (1997)